Dr. Zhi “Allen” Li (Dr. Z) is a Stanford Doerr School of Sustainability Dean’s Postdoc Fellow. He earned his doctoral degree (2022) from the University of Oklahoma/Hydrometeorology and Remote Sensing Laboratory, directed by Prof. Yang Hong. He obtained Master’s and Bachelor’s degrees at the National University of Singapore (2019) and Hohai University (2017), respectively. He had prior experience working as a Data Scientist in the private sector in Singapore to develop opportunistic sensors for rainfall monitoring.
Dr. Z studies surface water across scales, both spatially (local, continental, and global) and temporally (Hydrology, Hydrometeorology, and Hydroclimatology). His research focuses on flood prediction and monitoring by leveraging Remote Sensing platforms and Hydrologic-Hydraulic coupled models. He devotes himself to improving flood monitoring tools to deliver accurate and timely information for the good of the community.
Dr. Z has so far published over 20 peer-review journal articles and 1 invited book chapter. He has been serving as an invited reviewer for over 10 international journals. His research work has been featured by some mainstream news media, such as the New York Times, Independent, CNN, and AccuWeather.